Undergraduate Work
This page has basic information about the projects I coded as a Computer Science student at the University of Pittsburgh from 2009 to 2013. I chose to open source all of my projects to provide educational materials for future learners.
Some of the projects or code may use my former University of Pittsburgh username or email: mgj7 [at] pitt.edu. Please note that this email address is no longer active.
Projects included
- CS7 / CS 0007: Hello.java , hw2.java , starprint.java , perfectnum.java , TestScores.java , etc..
- CS401 / CS 0401: ballplayer.java , etc..
- CS445 / CS 0445: BSTree.java , BSDriver.java , OrderedLinkedList.java , RecursiveList.java , BinaryTree.java , etc..
- CS1501: Djikstra’s shortest path, Huffman compression, HuffmanTree.java , RepeatedString.java , wordSearch.java , etc…
- CS449 / CS 0449: ID3v1.1 tag reader/editor ( id3tagEd.c ) , Blackjack game ( blackjack.c ) , Project 2: What’s the password? game, *nix strings implementation ( mystrings.c ), Custom malloc() ( mymalloc.h and mallocdrv.c ), /dev/pi linux device driver ( pi_digits.c ), Berkeley sockets multithreaded server ( server.c )
- CS447 / CS 0447: Scramble game ( scramble.asm ), Frogger LED game ( catch.asm ), JrMIPS processor ( jrmips.circ )
- CS1550 / CS 1550: myshell.c , prodcons.c , sys.c , etc
- CS1555 / CS 1555: facesApp, faces@Pitt, database.sql
- CS1652 / CS 1652: http_client, http_server, tcp_module
- CS1655 / CS 1655: MovieMine