Night view in Kyoto, Japan
Radical problem solving.

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Continuous learning and wide-ranging interests are central to everything I do. That includes exploring the latest web technology, slowing things down with vintage camera lenses, and learning the ins and outs of good espresso.

I am passionate about open source technology, with over a million combined downloads of my projects. I publish software under the name devadvance. This includes software like RootCloak, SMS Backup Reader, Terminal Cheat Sheet, Video2WebP, and more. You can also read my various articles and blog posts.

I'm an Engineering Manager at YouTube Playables.

Previous work:

  • Led the TV and Mobile teams at Google Stadia, where we built amazing gaming experiences at scale.
  • Led the Transit/IxNConnect team at Intersection, where we created beautifully designed experiences to deliver the right information in simple, engaging formats on screens and kiosks in public spaces.
  • Led an Innovation Center and oversaw the development of the API Platform for BNY Mellon, a global financial institution that is one of the largest custodian banks in the world ($45.0 trillion assets under custody and/or administration as of 2021-06-30).

Check the site navigation to access my various projects, posts, and more.


These are a few of my photos. Visit my Instagram to see more.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Rome, Ital
Rome, Italy
Kyoto, Italy
Kyoto, Japan
Berlin, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Macro of basil
Macro of basil
San Francisco, California, U.S.
San Francisco, California, U.S.